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Dhampir in Realm of Runes

As playtesting of Realm of Runes continues driving the system to be the best it can be, the rulebook art (by the fantastic Nikki...

Spells in Realm of Runes

Many characters in Realm of Runes can learn spells directly through their class, and those that can't can still make use of magic through...

Alignment in Realm of Runes

In a universe with deities that are tangible beings that can and do intervene directly in the lives of mortals, ethics takes on a more...

Wizards in Realm of Runes

Whereas other classes have innate magic, or are granted their magic by deities, blood or other powers beyond their control, Wizards earn...

A Very Special Announcement

We interrupt our ongoing exploration of the design of Realm of Runes to let you know that Lee Draper (also the one writing these blogs)...

Rogues in Realm of Runes

Ever since the class was simply called "Thief," Rogues have been a major part of the iconic party construction, and one of the first...

Rangers in Realm of Runes

Skilled hunters and outdoorsmen, Rangers are often more at home in the wild than they are in civilization. While some Rangers are to...

Blog: Blog2
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