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Minions in Realm of Runes

Tabletop roleplaying games have a long tradition of allies that are not other members of the party, but are subservient to one particular...

Paladins in Realm of Runes

Many people venerate deities. Few of those show sufficient devotion and aptitude to draw magical power from those deities. Even fewer...

Monks in Realm of Runes

Ever since the beginning, Monks have had a strange place in the world of tabletop role-playing games. They're a breath of eastern...

Vanguards in Realm of Runes

Whereas Barbarians are typically characterized by sheer brute force, vanguards instead make their impact through clever tactics and...

Magic in Realm of Runes

Magic is a fundamental aspect of Realm of Runes, and its presence and influence seeps into every aspect of the system. Of the twelve...

Druids in Realm of Runes

Wardens and agents of the natural world, druids draw their power from nature itself. There are many similarities between druids and...

Clerics in Realm of Runes

Many fantasy settings have deities that take an active role in events. One common way they do this is through the sponsoring of agents...

Bards in Realm of Runes

From traveling minstrels to inspirational generals, fantasy has a strong tradition of characters that captivate and influence others...

Alchemists in Realm of Runes

Realm of Runes includes a plethora of interesting and useful alchemical items, such as bombs and elixirs. Any character can freely make...

Ancestry in Realm of Runes

A character's ancestry has a major influence on the way that character interacts with the world, and with the other options presented in...

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